1 | 但他还只有52岁,而且他将花更多的时间在指导世界上最富有的慈善机构---比尔和美琳达基金上。 | He is still only 52, and he is going off to spend more time guiding the world’s richest philanthropy, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. | |
2 | 但现在我不得不说,‘只要有能量的波动变化(其实这些变化是通常存在的),每个小时都会发生一次亚暴。’ | Now I have to say, ’But when you have these fluctuations, which is not a rare occurrence, you can have substorms going off once an hour. ’ | |
3 | 当左边出现通道时,这个传感器会发出警报。 | This sensor will alert you when the maze has passages going off to the left. | |
4 | 定时器鸣叫或手机来电等事件可以以这种方式进行监视。 | Events like a timer going off or the phone ringing can be monitored in such a way. | |
5 | 对于马尔他岛上的人们来说,这个小女孩即将启程进入她的来生,在这漫长的旅程中她孤单一人,有些恐惧。 | To them, the little Maltese girl was going off on her great journey into the next life, alone and a little frightened. | |
6 | 而对于女同胞们就刚好相反了——假若她们的男伴侣跟同性有了一腿,这麻烦可不小。 | For women, it’s the other way around - they’re more troubled by their male partner going off with another man. | |
7 | 发令枪响后我们一起奔跑,10秒内到达的人获得第一这事儿也不存在。 | There’s no pistol going off and we all run and the guy who does it under 10 seconds comes in 1st. | |
8 | 进行重新设计将耗费大量的资源和时间,并且可能将注意力转入其他没完没了的问题。 | Going off on a redesign will consume all your resources and time, the redesign may get sidetracked or never finished. | |
9 | 就这一话题进行一番讨论后,马云的眼睛瞥了一下:他可以听到销售部门的手机在响。 | After some discussion of this, Mr Ma’s eyes begin darting about: he can hear mobile phones going off in the sales department. | |
10 | 伦敦金融城监管机构对一名交易员下达了为期两年的从业禁令。该交易员外出午餐时间过长,之后向上司隐瞒了可能造成1000万美元损失的交易。 | A trader who hid a potential $10m loss from his bosses after going off on a long lunch has been handed a two-year ban by the City watchdog. | |
11 | 那次讲座被突然鸣响的火警中断了。 | The lecture was curtailed by the fire alarm going off . | |
12 | 普拉萨德教授表示:“世界经济增长的各大发动机正在失去动力,而后面拖着的车厢正在脱轨。” | Prof Prasad said: "The engines of world growth are running out of steam while the trailing wagons are going off the rails. " | |
13 | 气枪每隔几秒钟都会发出很大的噪声,还有人在不断地敲击着什么东西。 | There were air guns going off every few seconds or so, and someone somewhere was always hammering away at something. | |
14 | 然后,当有人间歇性地上下拨动开关,那些灯会突然亮起或熄灭。 | However, when someone is flickering the lights on and off intermittently, the lights are suddenly going off and on. | |
15 | 如果每一个开发团队都指定自己的方向,那势必将造成混乱局面。 | If each software development team is going off in their own directions, chaos will ensue. | |
16 | 他下了班常常不归,找一些杂活干。比如帮别人粉刷房间、安装电器、布置花园。 | Every time going off work, he was always doing extra odd jobs, such as painting homes, installing appliances and keeping gardens in order. | |
17 | 他写道只靠“国际标准图书编号”无法得出准确计数,一部分原因在于国际标准图书编号在非西方国家中不被使用。 | He writes that going off of ISBN numbers alone won’t yield an accurate number, partly because ISBN isn’t used in non-Western countries. | |
18 | 为此我们争论了23年,现在他要去上法律学校了。我以为是他该转型的时候了。 | We’d been having the same argument for 23 years, and now that he was going off to law school I thought it was time for him to shape up. | |
19 | 为了不让警报响起来,我曾经在我的包里裹满了保鲜膜。但是现在这样已经不行了,警报系统都已经改变了。 | I’ve lined my bags with tin foil before, to stop the alarms from going off , but they’ve changed the systems now. | |
20 | 为什么我们在某些夜晚会被床单发出的沙沙声吵醒,却没有理会那些吵醒别人的闹钟声而睡过头呢? | Why does the rustle of sheets wake us up on some nights, but we sleep through the sound of our alarm clocks going off on others? | |
21 | 我们呆在碉堡里,到处都有炸弹在爆炸。 | We were in a bunker and there were bombs going off everywhere. | |
22 | 小海象出生几个小时就会游泳,不过,它们要和妈妈一起生活两年,然后才会独自谋生。 | Pups can swim within hours of their birth but stay with their mothers for up to two years before going off on their own. | |
23 | 英国皇家学会正在密切注意为什么学校里的年轻人似乎不愿意学习计算机课。 | The Royal Society, Britain’s science academy, is curious as to why British youngsters seem to be going off studying computing at school. | |
24 | 用克罗斯教授的话来说,这并不只是“组织员工在下班时间一块唱唱歌”那么简单。 | No, not just "going off -site to sing to each other" , as Prof Cross puts it. | |
25 | 由于国际台的预算削减,英国广播公司(BBC)的三门语言广播服务将停播。 | Three of the BBC language services are going off air later, as a result of cuts to the World Service budget. | |
26 | 有一个自动装置来移动记录笔,使其不致出格。 | There is an automatic mechanism for shifting the recording pen to keep it from going off scale. | |
27 | 在巴黎,我现在居住的地方,我孩子的朋友们常常会去与祖父母们住上几周。 | Or here in Paris, where I live now, my children’s friends are always going off to stay with grandparents for weeks at a time. | |
28 | 在一次事故中,两台笔记本电脑放在一起使用时,飞机的里程计指针倒转,而且GPS导航仪指数失灵。 | In one instance, with two laptops being used nearby, the plane’s clock spun backwards and GPS readings began going off . | |
29 | 在这个地区每一次警报响都像是有空袭来临一样。 | Every siren in this area was going off like it was an air raid. | |
30 | 这个意大利人在1982紧随队友攻入一球后,来了个长途奔袭,就像你会一样在比赛场地高喊着自己的名字。 | The Italian followed up his strike in 1982 by going off on a memorable run, screaming his own name like you would in the playground. |